国际象棋班  (Chess Class)


Chess Fremont Allstar Institute Chinese Summer Camp

  Chess Class Enrollment Form 

Click here the link above with any questions you may have, as well we welcome your child into our fun class of approximately thirty eight (38) great chess students from 100 level rating up to so far about 1500 level rating, ongoing and always learning.

K Through Sixth (6) Grade

~ Weekly Group Chess Classes All Year Long ~

~ Weekly Private 1-1 Chess Classes All Year Long ~

Year Round Schedule For 2024

Over approximately thirty eight (38) chess students and always growing, until out grown ッ

(Private 1:1 Classes)

Tuesday 5:30PM to 6:30PM Live in Person at the School
(Mixed Levels from Beginner ~ Pre-Intermediate)

Tuesday 6:30PM to 7:30PM Live in Person at the School & Online via Zoom (hybrid) (Mixed Levels from Beginner ~ Pre-Intermediate)

(Private 1:1 Classes)

Thursday 4:30PM to 5:30PM Live in Person at the School
(Mixed Levels from Beginner ~ Pre-Intermediate)

Thursday 5:30PM to 6:30PM Live in Person at the School

(Mixed Levels from Beginner ~ Pre-Intermediate)

Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM Online via Zoom
(Mixed Levels from Pre-Intermediate ~ Intermediate)

No Group Classes or Private 1:1 Classes ~ Rest Day 😉

(Private 1:1 Classes)

Depending on availability Private 1-1 Chess Class Sessions can be scheduled Monday ~ Saturday of (1) Hour Dedicated Study and Fun (currently there is a wait list for Private 1-1)

Kindly “note” that all regular group chess classes and all private 1-1 chess classes are on break during any weeks of special chess camps and or in-our-school tournaments.  

Chess Teacher

Mr. Gary Scheppler

严师出高徒 All my life I have taught various courses throughout time “alongside” business as to not only contribute to life but as well keep strong, young and focused.

Courses taught are Bible, Chess, Snow Skiing, Swimming, Building and Technology. All to which Chess I feel is my favorite while coinciding with the other teachings very close to heart.

Teaching is a must for us all, be it young or old, we need to encourage and help one another within this life we have about, for anyone can make money, but not all can master the path of family first (1st), education & business tied into each other second (2nd) and sports such as “chess” etc. third (3rd).

All to which of course even I strive and struggle every day to balance and achieve all three in said order.


Temptation to quit and give up will always be at its greatest point, just before you are about to succeed and win

WIN or LOSE … Never Give Up! (this is a game by one of our students, she lost her queen but did not give up and won the game with a checkmate!)

Beginner Beginner Level

For students 5 years old or older.  Students need only a concept of “let’s see what this Chess World is all about”.  After that it’s up to the student and parent to see what Chess brings and or does not.  The student need have not any understanding of the game but the word Chess.  Student will learn the fundamentals of Chess, the Chess piece names in 中文(Chinese) and English, how the piece move, the Chess board, rules, coordinates and more.

The concept is to allow the student an adaption of seeing whether they enjoy the sport of Chess or not.  The goal of many but some of high level are to make such an enjoyable class but different, as Chess is unique and the skills set is quite interesting as one to have.  Chess greatly strengthens the mind, focus and ability to bring wait and patients, yet at the same time it can be exhausting, so we try to break the Chess class up to a manner of “sure if you make it to the Olympics as a master great, yet if you do not yet still gain a strong understanding and have a kind time and break up the day / week the value will be learned, which is “to lose is to win and to win is to expect to lose” and by such be content and ready for either in Chess and life”.

Novice Level

For students 5 years or older.  Students here should have a bit of understanding (and ready to advance) within the names of the Chess pieces in English 中文 (Chinese extra bonus), coordinates of the Chess board and the Chess board itself, basic rules (en passant not required yet here), openings structure and foundation of why and how to move the Chess pieces.

More Information Coming Soon!

Tournaments within our School and Chess Class only:

(we are revising output / outcomes of chess games placements to a more of easy update to our site each week or month, come back and visit “all” results from day one till today – however for now is a sample below)

Students to date – There are more students we need to update here 🙂 that have joined and are joining – Come join and bring additional fun competition!Covid-19 Took us out of School and Online began | May 2020  😐

Chess Students as of April 2022